Prince Charming
His movie's a smash -- in Wyoming
First you win a contest, then you win friends. That's how
it happened for Lisa Barber, 20, a Sheridan, Wyo. motel chambermaid
who last month dialed an MTV contest number and, by being
the 10,000th caller, won a date with Prince and the opportunity
to have his much-hyped new movie, Under the Cherry Moon,
premiered in her hometown. Barber, a veteran contest entrant
who had never won more than "a couple of Big Macs and a curling
iron," was ecstatic. So were her friends, many of whom she
had never met. Moments after her name was announced, callers
from California to the Carolinas began ringing up to ask
for one or two or 10 of the 200 tickets she'd been allotted
for Prince's frontier fandango. Her mother, Elena Holwegner,
fielded the endless requests with humor, if not compromise. Ring! "No,
Lisa's not here," she fibbed to one caller. "You say you're
calling from Maine? Sorry." Ring! "You say you want
to come over and take pictures of me doing housework? I've
got a better idea. You come over and do housework, and I'll
take pictures of you." Ring! "Sorry, no more
tickets. What? You say you have six days to live? Well, sorry
to break the news, honey, but you'll be long gone before
Prince gets here. What? You say you can hold on an extra
day? Well, I can't. Sorry!" Click.
For Prince -- who, when it comes to publicity, is usually
about as visible as a microbe and only slightly more talkative
-- the sojourn to Sheridan seemed to serve two purposes.
After years of performing in bikini underwear and a raincoat
and singing such single-entendre hits as "Head" and the incest-themed "Sister," he
is, say pals, concerned that the public hasn't seen enough
of the happy-go-lucky, Little House on the Prairie side of
his personality. "He's perceived by the media as a bad boy,
a rude boy," says his friend and protégé, singer
Sheila E. "He is very conscious of his reputation, and I
think he's making an effort to turn it around. Basically,
he's an easy-going guy." Says Lisa Coleman, keyboardist with
Prince's band, the Revolution, "He's so consumed by what
he's doing that sometimes he has not noticed what is happening
to his public image. He realizes it now."
The other reason Prince is courting publicity is that as
Cherry Moon goes, so may go his movie career. If Moon succeeds,
he'll be seen as a screen phenomenon; if it fails, his first
movie, the $80 million-grossing Purple Rain, may be seen
as a fluke. Adding to the tension is the fact that the new
film, a black-and-white fantasy romance set in the South
of France, is pure Prince: He stars in the movies, conceived
the plot, handpicked the cast and took over for the original
director, Mary Lambert, after she left because of "artistic
differences." He also reportedly refused Warner Bros.' entreaties
to inject conflict into the script, saying that atmosphere
and music would keep the audience entertained.
Sheridan hadn't hosted such a dramatic event since 1865,
when locals took on Arapaho Indians in a skirmish that preceded
the Little Big Horn. By the time Prince pulled into town
-- 11 days after Barber made her call -- Sheridan was ready.
The pro-Prince contingent gathered at the airport, carrying
ANY EXTRA TICKETS?) and hoping for a glimpse of the would-be
minimogul. Others, less enthralled, could be found at the
coffee counter in Ritz Sporting Goods, where rancher Dugan
Wragge noted, "This town's known for fishing lures. We don't
care about no boy who wears tight pants and struts around
like a woman." Ventured another customer: "I'm going to paint
a fence. If Prince wants to help me, that's fine." A third
recalled that when he first learned of Prince's impending
arrival, it set him to thinking about a visit Queen Elizabeth
made to Sheridan in 1984 to look at equestrian stock: "I
told my wife, 'This is real nice. First his mother, and now
The airport crowd let out a hoot when Prince's Learjet
appeared as a dot in the Western sky. It landed and sat on
the strip for a few minutes, the passenger door open. Then
one tiny, high-heeled boot appeared. Then all 5'3" of Prince
Rogers Nelson, decked out in a purple paisley silk suit,
emerged smiling. He walked down a red carpet and threw his
jacket over a fence to the crowd, then politely exchanged
pleased-to-meet-you's with Sheridan's mayor, Max DeBolt,
and other dignitaries. DeBolt, who takes every opportunity
to plug Sheridan's tourist attractions (hunting and fishing),
and neighborly life-style ("I think we had a thief here --
once"), was delighted with the hoopla. As Prince climbed
into a gray-and-black limo, he said, to no one in particular, "I'm
going to buy a house here."
Meanwhile, back at the small cottage behind her mother's
trailer home, Lisa Barber fretted like a prom queen should.
Prince's staff had cured one headache by providing a black-and-white
outfit that would match the evening's decor. "I was real
worried about what I was going to wear," says Barber. "I
usually shop at K Mart." Prince also sent over a hair stylist
and a makeup artist. After that, Lisa has nothing to do except
sit perfectly still until date time, 6 p.m.
Her guy pulled up, 15 minutes late, at the wheel of a white
Buick convertible with personalized license plates that read
LOVE. Eschewing the gravel driveway, he vaulted the chain-link
fence and knocked on the door. "Hello," he said, kissing
her hand. "My name is Prince. Ready to have a good time?" Unfazed
by the fact that her date was wearing more makeup and --
thanks to a midriff-baring shirt -- showing more skin than
she was, Barber answered in the affirmative and took her
seat in the car. Preceded by Sheridan's female riding troupe,
the Equestri-Annettes, and trailed by a posse of costumed
cowboys, the couple cruised to the Centennial Twin theater,
where 800 enthusiastic but inexpert stargazers waited. Singer
Joni Mitchell entered unnoticed; crooner Ray Parker, Jr.,
a newspaper reported, was misidentified by some as Lionel
Richie. "We cheered for anyone who was dressed weird or who
was black," says one Sheridian.
Inside, Prince sat with Barber in a back row. He did not
buy her any Raisinets or popcorn but otherwise behaved like
a perfect gentleman. "Well, there was one time during the
movie when he played with my hair and he put his arm around
me," says Barber. "But that's all he did. Honest." And did
Prince, rock's reigning purple enigma, actually engage in
conversation sometime in the evening? "Oh, yeah," says Barber. "I
asked him how he liked it here. He said it was real pretty
and that I was lucky to live here. In the car he asked me
what the best radio station was, and when he turned to it,
the deejay was talking about him. He said, 'If I had a phone
in here, I'd call him.'" At Cherry Moon, she says, "I told
him I liked the movie. [Prince's co-star and sidekick] Jerome
Benton asked me if I liked to fish but I told him 'No way.'"
And how did the all-important Sheridan critics react to
Under the Cherry Moon? The first review came from a young
woman who, when Prince's tightly suited form first appeared
on the screen, yelled out "Nice butt!" After that things
got a little less precise. "I liked it, but I didn't get
it," said one local, whose opinion was echoed by others throughout
the evening. "It was great!" offered another. "Like one long
rock video! But I didn't really figure out what was going
on." The next day, when Cherry Moon opened at 941 theaters
around the country, paid critics began weighing in with reviews
that made the townfolk seem kind. The New York Times called
Prince's character a "self-caressing twerp of dubious provenance." The
Washington Post said that in black-and-white, "Prince begins
to remind you of something your biology teacher asked you
to dissect." USA Today, at least, pointed out that Prince's
principal draw isn't his dramatic skill: "Fewer people saw
[Purple] Rain for the acting than saw Old Yeller for the
sex." In its first weekend, the film grossed $3.1 million
-- about the same as Walt Disney's new movie The Great Mouse
That was in the future, however, and there was still joy
in Sheridan as the movie crowd spilled out of the theater
and into a party at the Holiday Inn. At 10 p.m. Prince climbed
onto a specially built stage and unleashed 45 minutes of
radioactive funk. "He's incredible," said a surprised Lillie
Belle Johnson, 66. "I never realized what we were missing." With
uncharacteristic informality, he and his band members mingled
with the locals and made small talk about movies and trout.
Cherry Moon might have gone over like wheat rust, but you
couldn't tell that from the crowd's mood or from the mouths
of Prince's entourage, who were hard-pressed to find fault
with their mentor. "I thought it was the perfect thing for
him to do," said bandmate Lisa Coleman. "Purple Rain was
a heavier film; this is lighter." Casey Terry, lead singer
in the Prince spin-off group Mazarati, pronounced him "scintillating
to work with. If you can't handle his energy, you're up a
creek." Said Cherry Moon co-star Kristin Scott-Thomas: "He
was a joy to work with." Seconded Jerome Benton, who has
worked with Prince as a roadie, backup singer and actor: "He's
a genius. I won't ever leave, unless he couldn't use me.
I like being under that protective wing."
Lisa Barber also enjoyed her time under the protective
wing. When the party ended, her date made sure she had a
ride home in a limousine. "I'll have lots of memories, but
I know he'll probably never see him again," she said of her
beau, who gave her earrings and a gold necklace as keepsakes. "I'll
never take them off," she vowed. Looking back, she says the
only good flaw in a perfect evening involved a misunderstanding
over some costume jewelry Prince had impulsively asked to
borrow. "He was a dream date," says Lisa, "even if he didn't
give me back my pearls."
--Written by Culter Durkee,
reported by Cathy Free and Jeff Yarbrough