On the eve of his birthday in 1985, Prince
gave a surprise interview to legendary Detroit disc jockey
the Electrifying Mojo. He had never offered a live radio interview
before. Of the experience, Mojo later said:
"I had no idea he was going to call. I had no list of questions
or anything like that. First I talked to Billy Sparks and he
said, 'Hey Mojo! Prince wants to talk to you. You got a minute?'
I said, 'Do I have a minute? Give me a minute to make sure
we have a tape on,' and Prince says, 'Hey Mojo! What's happening?
This is Prince.' If I hadn't heard Billy Sparks' voice prior
to that, I may have said, 'Yeah, right.'"
The following is the text of the spoken interview, as transcribed
by Rose Gardner on the Emancipation mailing list.
MOJO: This is the one-man hit machine from Minnesota.
Ladies and Gentlemen...Prince.
PRINCE: Hello, Detroit.
MOJO: How are you?
PRINCE: Alright, how are you?
MOJO: Well, Prince... I heard nothing but magic flowin'
down from the concert. How was it?
PRINCE: Mmm, a lot of fun. You should've been there.
MOJO: I was there in spirit. I wanted to be here for
one reason...I wanted to be here, so that the moment that the
concert was over...I wanted to flood the airwaves with Prince.
PRINCE: Well, you know what? I was driving from the
gig, wiping the sweat off my brow, and I heard "Automatic." And
we just got through playin' it...we don't normally play that
one. It went over pretty good, and I think it's 'cuz of you,
and what you've done for us thang. It's a good feeling.
I just wanna tell all my little motor babies that I'm just
happy to be here...and it's a fun way to spend my birthday,
for sure.
MOJO: Happy Birthday to you.
PRINCE: Thank you.
MOJO: Prince, you've been the entertainer that has
insisted on doing things one way...your way.
PRINCE: Well, you know, it's like...I worked a long
time under a lot of different people, and most of the time
I was doing it their way. I mean, that was cool, but ya know,
I figured if I worked hard enough and kept my head straight,
one day I'd get to do this on my own...and that's what happened.
So I feel like...if I don't try to hurt nobody...and like I
say...keep my head on way usually is the best
MOJO: Growin' up in Minne-wood, as it's been now called,
simply because that is the hot point on this planet right now.
PRINCE: Well, it's been called a lot of things, but
it's always Uptown to me.
MOJO: Uptown?
MOJO: What was it like growin' up Uptown?
PRINCE: Pretty different. Uh, kinda sad, to be exact.
(laughs) I mean, the radio was dead, the discos was dead, ladies
was kinda dead, so I felt like, if we wanted to make some noise,
and I wanted to turn anything out....I was gonna have to get
somethin' together. Which is what we did. We put together a
few bands and turned it into Uptown. That consisted of a lot
of bike riding nude, but ya worked. We had fun. That's
why I wanted to come here on my birthday...'cuz I wanted to
give them a little taste of where we live and get a little
taste of where you all live. To me, this is like my second
home. If I could spend the night at somebody's crib, I would...'cuz
this hotel.... They're real nice to us, but, this bed is hard!
MOJO: You've made fantastic albums, and you've made
fantastic movies, and you're making another movie right now.
MOJO: What's the difference between making a hot movie
and making a hot album?
PRINCE: There is no difference. There have been people
who have tried to tell me contrary to that, but like you said
before and like I said before, I strive for perfection, and
sometimes I'm a little bull-headed in my ways. Hopefully, people
understand that there's just a lot on my mind and I try to
stay focused on one particular thing. And I try not to hurt
nobody in the process. A movie is a little bit more complex,
but to me it's just a larger version of an album. There are
scenes and there are songs, and they all go together to make
this painting, and...I'm the painter. Y'all is the paintees.
(Mojo laughs.) Hopefully it's something that you can get into.
Jerome Benton stars in this new film with me and he's on his
way to becoming very, very big. I'm real proud of him. He takes
direction well and he gives direction well and I expect a lot
of big things from him.
MOJO: Speaking of Jerome Benton, and other people
who've flown under the wings of Prince, and also speaking of
Detroit's own Billy Sparks, a person that you took from Detroit,
put him in your first movie...
MOJO: You've always maintained contact with people
that you've always been in contact with.
PRINCE: Oh yeah. Without a doubt, there's people who
have flown the coop, so to speak, and gone off to do their
own thing, which is great and I stand behind them and support
them, whatever they do. But contrary to rumors, we're all real
tight still, and I have a strange feeling we're all going to
be together again one day. We'll have to see.
MOJO: Do you think that there is a possibility that
after this movie has been released, that...I've just heard
rumors through the grapevine that there's a possibility that
The Time is gonna record again...?
PRINCE: Well, Mojo. anything's possible. God willing
and hopefully everybody's head will be in the right place.
I'd like to see all that happen. They were, to be perfectly
honest, the only band that I was afraid of. And, they were
turning into like...Godzilla, and certain things happened and
different waves flowed, different winds blew and everybody
fell apart. But, I still love all those guys... and I hope
they get back together 'cuz I want some competition, ya know?
(both laugh)
MOJO: Prince, speaking of the movie, Under the Cherry
Moon...could you tell us a little bit about that?
PRINCE: Um...God, I hate to blow the surprise though,
you know?
MOJO: Without blowin' it -- we know it's gonna be
in black and white...
PRINCE: Yeah, it's gonna be in black and white...
MOJO: ...and we know it's gonna be quote unquote "helluva."
PRINCE: Yeah, it's gonna be that. It's gonna be that.
All I can tell you is that you'll have a good time. I'm hoping
that everyone understands where I was trying to go with it.
It is like an album for me, and I put my heart and sould into
it and I worked very long and very hard. Jerome did the same,
and there's a message behind it all and I hope people think
about it when they leave. That's the main thing. It's a lot
of fun, but there's something to think about when it's over.
You know, there's a reason for everything.
MOJO: Let's talk about the album, Around The World
In A Day... which I think was one of the greatest albums.
PRINCE: My favorite!
MOJO: It's absolutely my favorite, without question.
Tunes like "Around The World In A Day," "Paisley Park." What
type of mood were you in when you recorded that album?
PRINCE: Yeah, I sorta had an f-you attitude, meaning
that I was making something for myself and my fans. And the
people who supported me through the years -- I wanted to give
them something and it was like my mental letter. And those
people are the ones who wrote me back, telling me that they
felt what I was feeling. Record sales and things like
really doesn't matter, ya know. It keeps a roof over your head,
and keeps money in all these folks' pockets that I got hangin'
around here! (laughs) It basically stems from the music, and
I'm just hoping that people understand that money is one thing
but soul is another. That's all we're really trying to do,
you know? Idon't know. I wouldn't mind if I just went broke,
you know, 'cuz as long as I can play this type of thing and
come here, ya know. There were a lot of people there tonight
and they turned the lights on and I looked brings tears
to your eyes because it's just -- you can feel the love in
the room, ya know? And that means more than money. I could
just go on for hours...I don't know, I just have fun, and I'm
thankful to be alive, ya know?
MOJO: What's a day like, in the life of Prince?
PRINCE: Work! I work a lot. I'm trying to get a lot
of things done very quickly, so that I can stop working for
a while. Everyone's afraid I'm gonna die. (laughs)
MOJO: You say, you are afraid?
PRINCE: No, I'm not afraid? Everyone else is afraid.
They think I work too much. I'm not afraid of anything.
MOJO: It's been said that when you're working -- you
work on the road, you carry your studio around with you, you
get up in the middle of the night, you get an idea for a tune
and you get up and go do it -- there's just no such thing as
Prince being off from work. Some people have even called you
the workaholic, ever-movin' one-man storm. Is that true?
PRINCE: The thing is that when you're called, you're
called. I hear things in my sleep; I walk around and go to
the bathroom and try to brush my teeth and all of the sudden
the toothbrush starts vibrating! That's a groove, you know.
MOJO: You know it!
PRINCE: You gotta go with that, and that means drop
the toothbrush and get down to the studio or get to a bass
guitar, quick! My best things have come out like that. To me,
making a song is like a new girl walking in the
never know what's going to happen 'til all the things come
together, and there she stands! And she says, "Hi! You want
to take a bite of this orange?" And you bite it, and it's cool,
and I send it to you. You know?
MOJO: I know! Look here -- one question.
MOJO: What's your favorite instrument? You play them
PRINCE: Mmmm. Stewardesses! (laughs)
MOJO: It's dirty...! it's dirty...!
PRINCE: No, depends on the song, it depends
on the color. They all sound differently. It's very strange,
I try to stay original in my work and a lot of sounds have
been used now, and I'm looking for new instruments and new
sounds and new rhythms. I got a lot of suprises...I don't want
to give them all away.
MOJO: Look, you've done everything.
PRINCE: Not yet!
MOJO: You've done hard rock. You've done some of the
most sensuous --
PRINCE: No, we've just scratched the surface with
all that stuff. There's so many sounds, it's limitless.
MOJO: Some people say you probably have in your secret the Prince music vault, about 500 tunes that you've
done that you haven't even considered using yet...that you
could put out an album for the next twenty years, two a year
PRINCE: Naw, not that many...320 to be exact. Not
500. (laughs)
MOJO: 320 songs? That have never been released.
PRINCE: Mmm-hmm.
MOJO: It's been rumored that they all sound different,
that's probably why each album you release is just a little
bit different.
PRINCE: Yeah. They don't ALL sound different. There's
a couple times I copied myself.
MOJO: It's alright to copy yourself.
PRINCE: You think you hit on something, right! You
try to do it again...ya know? (both laugh) I try not to do
that too much. If I do, then it's usually someone around, Wendy
or Lisa, who says, "Hey, man, I've heard that. Put it away." And
it goes away. And we don't hear from that song for a while.
Mojo, guess what? We're all going to see Purple Rain tonight.
MOJO: You are?
MOJO: I've seen it twelve times.
PRINCE: I've seen it too many times, but I wanna watch
it again.
MOJO: I've seen it twelve times, and I'll go watch
it tonight. Tell you what -- I'm gonna ask everybody out there
to go watch Purple Rain. What time will you be watching
PRINCE: About three minutes...they're knocking on
my door now. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'll call back
tomorrow and I'm gonna leave a little message at about 4:30.
And, this one's just for all the purple people, and I think
they'll understand. I'll call you. I got your number.
MOJO: Alright! Prince, it's been one big pleasure.
Words cannot describe this moment. I don't think words can
describe how Detroit feels about Prince. So, in closing, whatever
you want to say to Detroit...the airwaves are yours.
PRINCE: (makes five kissing sounds with his lips and
then says the word...) KISS.